Saturday, May 4, 2013

Winding Down

The school year is winding down, as this coming week is supposed to be our last.  We've learned a lot this year.  I've taught Jay Wile's Chemistry to Andrew, and every time I do that, I have to relearn stoichiometry and moles; I forget them every three years for some reason.  :)

I have so many ideas for the kids to learn throughout the summer; it troubles me that it's such a hard sell.  They don't want to learn how to run a small business, or play piano by ear, or sight sing, or build a cabinet, or cook unique and delicious things.  They just want to play sports and video games!  At least they want to play sports, not just video games...

The other thing I've noticed recently is the amount of time I spend teaching Andrew and Philip.  I feel like I spend as much time teaching now as I did when I had six students.  Hope it means they're getting a better education!

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