Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Healing Service

On Sunday we had a healing service at Svea. We've only done this one other time, when Pastor Bill was here (so before 2001), and the worship committee didn't exactly know how it would go over. Normally our congregation is very healthy, with just a few illnesses each year. Right now, seeming multitudes are suffering from various physical problems, including four with cancer, and of course the emotional, spiritual and relational problems often go unreported, unheard and unseen except by the Lord. So we decided to center our scriptures, songs and message around the healing power of God, and offer laying on of hands, anointing with oil and prayer to individuals.

After the creed and offering, Pastor Mary announced that anyone was welcome to come forward, as they do at communion, and receive this ministry from her. Joel sang "Blessings," and I sang a medley of four praise songs about the Lord's power and healing love. At first, it looked like no one was going to come, but after a few teens took the plunge, the flow began - and didn't stop! I sang three more songs, stretching each one out as long as I felt was reasonable, and then started on the songs we had already sung for worship. I think everyone there came forward for prayer! It was a great blessing.

My theory is that people don't get a chance to be prayed for by name individually, so they are hungry for it. Pete thought that everyone figured they were expected to come, so they did. Who knows? I'm confident that the Lord will work in everyone's lives no matter what their motivations were. And we'll have another healing service - sooner than ten years!

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