Monday, July 18, 2011

The Mind/Brain Connection

What a fascinating book - Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson, MD. He is a psychiatrist who has studied the latest research on the brain, and also believes that God in Jesus Christ is reconciling the world to Himself. The book shows how our minds can become dis-integrated with neural pathways deeply ingrained by our interactions with our parents, and how they can become integrated through connections with other minds. According to him, it's never to late for improvement, though the ruts do become deeper with each passing year. I highly recommend this book, because I can't hope to give even the gist of the meaning in this blog. Suffice it to say that this is not any kind of proof for or against God or the soul, but a guidebook on how to use the best scientific understanding of the brain to help our emotional and spiritual lives.

One thing I do want to pass on is his understanding of Matthew's account of Jesus' last word, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Dr. Thompson points out that given Jesus' upbringing as a Hebrew male and scholar of the Bible, he was almost certainly calling the entirety of Psalm 22 to mind by crying out its first verse, and affirming his trust in his Father's ultimate good will and gracious plan in the midst of the worst suffering the world has ever seen. "From the cross he still speaks into the darkness of evil, confident that he is heard...He is mindful and centered, completely integrated at the level of his prefrontal cortex."

The book also offers new insights on Genesis 3, 1 Corinthians 12-13, and other Bible passages and stories. If you are interested in improving your relationships with yourself, others and God, and willing to work hard at it, this book will help!

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