Saturday, December 1, 2012

Peter Pan

When I entered the darkened theatre, the directors had just finished placing the actors in lines.  I could see Andrew in the middle of a line; knowing that Peter Pan would be at the front of a line, I realized Andrew had not received the part he had hoped to earn with his audition.  Sure enough, when they called out the cast names, Andrew was John, the middle brother of the Darling family.  An 18-year-old would play Peter.  I was a little concerned that Andrew would complain or fall into depression over this turn of events, but I was pleasantly surprised when he strutted back, handling his script, and announced in a manly voice, "I LOVE this part!"  Apparently, playing a know-it-all brother appealed to him.  Philip figured he would enjoy Starkey, a pirate, as well.  He's on the middle left below brandishing a sword; Andrew's on the top row, on the right, in the derby hat.

Having just returned from the second and final performance of Peter Pan, full of Cherry Berry goodness, I'm reflecting on the impressiveness of two directors handling 74 children in grades 1-12, plus acting the parts of Mr. & Mrs. Darling, Hook and Tiger Lil.  They seem to enjoy it also!  Andrew and Philip performed well; they said a lot of kids forgot lines, but we only noticed a few.  Another week of daily trips to town has ended, and both boys hope to participate in Tom Sawyer this spring.

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