Saturday, January 21, 2012

Enjoying Exercise

I'd fallen out of the habit of regular exercise since my friends and I quit gathering every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for "Fitness Forte," an aerobics video. We got our hearts pumping for over three years, but a combination of changed schedules eliminated that possibility. I lift weights at the YMCA twice a week, walking for 15-30 minutes to warm up and get some exercise, but that doesn't seem enough to stay healthy and keep thin (well, OK, relatively thin!).

I purchased Wii Fit Plus with Christmas money and am thoroughly enjoying it! I march with a drum majorette; run and jump through an obstacle course, when not getting bonked or slipping to my death; box the Wii punching bag; step up, down and side-to-side in rhythm; perform Kung Fu positions, and even flap my wings with a chicken to land on targets instead of falling into the ocean.

The program also calculates my Wii Fit age, based on my balance, Body Mass Index, and even thinking games. I've been younger than my true age so far. Altogether a positive purchase, the one problem being that I stay downstairs longer than I should, enjoying my exercise!

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