Monday, September 23, 2013

One Day at a Time, part 2

Early Friday morning I woke up and thoughts started pouring through my mind about Joel's future.  I pictured him in a wheelchair forever, pondered all the things he wouldn't be able to do (work, play guitar, have children) and worried and fretted until I had to get up.  I knew these thoughts were of the devil but couldn't seem to banish them or "take them captive to Christ."  My insights into living one day at a time seemed long ago and far away.  I was in the future, and it was no good!

Sometime during the busy preparation for the wedding weekend, an idea struck me on how to banish those pesky future frettings.  I started asking myself, "Do I have what I need to get through today?"  My fears about tomorrow may come to pass; then again, they may not.  Unless there is something I specifically need to do today to get ready for tomorrow, I should forget about tomorrow (as Jesus recommends).  Today has enough troubles of its own.  And Friday certainly did, as we packed for the weekend and the wedding, traveled to Plain View Farm, helped prepare, rehearsed with the wedding party, and celebrated at the groom's dinner.

Just as my worrying about the helicopter bill (Musing about Money, September 10) proved baseless, so will most of these concerns.  If Joel doesn't recover fully, there will be plenty of time to help him deal with those challenges.  So my new goal in living one day at a time is to keep asking myself, "Do I have what I need to get through today?"  and get started on today's tasks.  Lord, help me remember this goal!!

1 comment:

blessed mom of 8 said...

We've never met, but I'm reading your blog because of a mutual friend. You said something in this post from a while ago that I need to respond to. When I was a teen, one of the best-looking, most athletic young men I knew broke his C4 and was relegated to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. His parents had the same worries and fears you did. However, 30 years later, he's married, HAS TWO NATURAL-BORN CHILDREN (I've never asked how and never will!), and has a vibrant testimony for the Lord. I know that your son is dealing with some ongoing issues right now, but I wanted to encourage you to hold on to the hope that we as believers are given. Our lives may not be as we planned, but HE directs our steps. Be blessed.