The Augie parade began at 10, so we headed over to watch and connect with Pete's friends from college. We ran into several and found Tom & Tacey by the Dignitary Tent - they're definitely dignified! It's always enjoyable to catch up with people from the past, and we kept visiting long after the parade was over and David was calling, "Where are you??" He had
We went to lunch at Johnny Carino's with David, his girlfriend Callie, and her parents, Jon & Lori. They are delightful Christian people and we visited for a couple of hours. We will be praying for wisdom and discernment for David & Callie as they seek to know whether they are called to be together - permanently!
After a short nap, choir rehearsal for Pete, and a snack for him (Kari's tummy was upset, possibly because of the drugs she was taking to ward off cold symptoms), we saved 14 seats at Viking Varieties, the all-Augie talent show. When everyone had arrived, the show started - and what a show! The Brass Choir - David's roommate Michael played euphonium - performed a very long and impressive medley of New York-type tunes ("The Big Apple" was the theme of the entire weekend), followed by numerous individual and small group acts. David, Callie and 2 other friends offered a rendition of "Java Jive" which elicited laughter from the crow
On Sunday Pete sang in the Alumni Choir for the worship service in the Elmen Center (gym). They did "O Day Full of Grace" by F. Melius Christiansen, a gorgeous arrangement that my high school choir sang, and also "Beautiful Savior" and "God Be With You til we Meet Again." Dr. James Johnson, who left last year after a 19-year stint with the Augustana Choir, directed the Alumni Choir. We were all invited to the President's House for a light brunch and official farewell to Dr. J. There was a lot of emotion from people who sang for him for 3 or 4 years - he was beloved.
Kari napped in the minivan while Pete and the kids ate subs and played at Tuthill Park, then we went to McDonald's for coffee with Grandma and Grandpa and played cards at their house. Then it was on the road again, turning off the Vikings game when it became apparent what a disaster it was going to be, and arriving home at 10:30. Another successful family outing!
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