Saturday, December 8, 2012


 - Lois signed our church up for Salvation Army bell-ringing at Cashwise on Wednesday.  The national Army headquarters has decreed that all shifts must be four hours instead of two this year, so the local branch is having a hard time filling the slots.  The confirmation students were drafted to ring during their class time, from 6-8pm, and we called for Luther Leaguers (high school) to help fill the 4-6pm slot.  I mentioned it to our Praise Team on Sunday, and they expressed their willingness; Zach even asked if he should bring his guitar so we could sing.  Our family planned to participate, but Pete ended up bringing Andrew and Philip to Plain View Farm, so Sarah and I were the only possibilities.  On my way there, I wondered if Lois, Zach, Sarah and I would carry the load, but I shouldn't have worried.  We had plenty.  Karen and Laurie, whose kids are past high school, were there; Jordan, Sarah C, Liz, Carter, and others I didn't see (because they were at the other door) joined us.  At the main revolving door, our group sang with guitar accompaniment for most of the two hours.  When I left at 6, the confirmation students - Mara, Taylar, Hannah, Erin and Austin - had arrived, and several of the older youth and adults remained as well.   Apparently the last time we sang while ringing at Cashwise, the donations hit a record high.  We'll see what happened this year.  Many customers expressed appreciation of our caroling through words or smiles.  Svea blesses again!

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