Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I have had laryngitis from some cause or other for about two weeks now. Usually if I get hoarse, I can still sing, and after a good night's sleep I'm fine. This is different. I've been pretty silent for about a week now, but it still isn't much better, if at all. And when I've whispered or talked, like Sunday morning to the praise team and the choir, my throat does start hurting and it gets worse. I'm actually going to a doctor as soon as one will fit me in. Our biggest fear is nodules on the vocal cords, which means six months of silence or permanent hoarseness.

Two things that stand out to me as I cope with not talking are:
1) how little of my normal speech is actually necessary
2) how much "lubrication" is provided by little bits of speech here and there. At the post office, at a funeral, at church, in a checkout line; it is so awkward to be speechless.

So on the one hand, I talk too much, or at least more than I need to; but on the other hand, a lot of "unnecessary" speech is very useful and helpful for making human interactions run smoothly.

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