Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby Steps

I've worked the FLY Lady plan (see if you want to organize your life) on and off for years, and her mantra of "baby steps" was validated last week. The furnace room in the basement was a mess. There were empty softener salt bags, extra mattresses, bags of wheat, and tubs of snowsuits, extra textbooks and Christmas decorations all over the floor - none where they belonged. The pathway back to the "Christmas room" was blocked, and it was generally depressing just to go in there. I knew I had to do something, but how long could I put it off? :)

FLY Lady says that we should take baby steps for any project because if we try to do the whole project, we may succeed, but we'll be so exhausted that we'll never set foot in that room again! Her recommendation is to set a timer for 5 or 15 minutes and do what you can in that amount of time, do the same the next day, and so on until it's finished. Last week I decided I would take Philip down there and we'd work for 15 minutes. When the timer beeped, I couldn't believe it - the room was transformed! Everything had been put away; the mattresses had been moved into a closet, and the pathway was clear! The mountainous job I thought I faced turned out to be a molehill after all.

What other tasks might I finish in no time - if I would just try?

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