We sent out just a photo this year instead of a newsletter, because everyone is in the same place as last year:
Pete is still farming and "churching."
Kari is still homemaking, homeschooling and leading church music.
Michelle is still a YMT, leading programs and doing maintenance at Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp, and working as a youth director at Bethesda Lutheran Church nearby.
David is still majoring in chemistry at Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD.
Joel and Daniel are still taking PSEO classes at Ridgewater College in Willmar and played baseball for Willmar High School again last spring.
Sarah, Andrew & Philip are still learning at home.
AND - we took no big trips in 2010.
So - what's new?
We redecorated our basement to turn it from a place to throw balls, wrestle, jump on mattresses and swing at the batting machine to a hangout for cool people with a MN Twins theme.
Pete spent more time at the farm where his dad was born, Plain View Farm, helping build a machine shed and rebuild the old barn, which fell down several years ago.
Kari directed the music and wrote a few songs for Svea's dinner theater, "Love Never Fails." Joel, Daniel & Sarah had funny parts; Pete coached some of the actors; and David & Andrew provided stand-up comedy during intermission.
Michelle is enjoying youth ministry EVEN MORE than last year! The second year has made adjustments a thing of the past and she's been able to focus more on relationships, reaching out and getting involved in the community.
David has acquired a music minor and is considering a religion minor as well. He thrilled us with a recital in May - he and 3 other voice students sang mostly operatic music in Italian, German, French and English. His vocal abilities have improved dramatically under his teacher Cheryl's instruction. He was a camp counselor at Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp (with Michelle) this summer.
Daniel played baseball with the American Legion team this summer. Joel did not, which was something new in itself - the twins not doing the same thing! :) This fall, both boys took 17 credits at Ridgewater; they are learning many things, not least of which is how to manage their time.
Sarah played fastpitch softball with the 8th grade Willmar team this spring and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her teammates. She played all infield positions and worked on her hitting, which is not easy with the balls coming in fast and wild.
Pete, Joel & Daniel spent a July week in Florida with "Give Kids the World," a resort for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. They loved serving and seeing the kids smiles. Sarah, Andrew & Philip spent the same week at Riverside - Sarah actually went on their Colorado Trail Ride with 8 other girls and 2 women in the Rockies, riding horse. They all praised the Lord Jesus, got to know more of His people, and learned about His ways - including trusting him on a steep incline. Kari got a lot done at home alone!
I guess there was more new stuff going on this year than I thought!
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