Sunday, December 23, 2007


Pete here: This blogging is an experiment. Perhaps we can use this to update you who desire updating while getting writing and keyboarding practice.

This a.m., Svea had their Christmas program. God's voice, expertly articulated and heard behind the altar by David, is talking to two angels who are instructed to guide people to the community nativity scene where the Lord has a conversation with them.
  • A busy business man talking on a cell phone is asked to take time.
  • A family kneels together and receives gentle teaching from the parents. Philip asked several thoughtful questions and Mother, Sarah responded very motherly. Their words were heard loudly and clearly.
  • Another scene, a divorced mother receives comfort and assurance.
  • Andrew played an arogant rock singer. Not only is that a near type cast for Andrew but he did well not breaking character when the congregation laughed at his haughty acting.
  • A pure hearted young girl is praised by God for her trust in him. Interspersed in God's extemporaneous words to these passersby are Biblical quotes.
  • There was a confused boy who wondered what the nativity was and another passerby who told him.
  • There was a hardworking groundskeeper with a simple faith. . .

Interspersed in the dialogue were songs sung by the 6th grade and under and accompanied by the 'mega praise team' with Michelle on piano, Daniel on trumpet, Joel on guitar, and five other musicians. It was so well done and so meaningful that I could see using the same format for next year. Afterward our interim pastor said that this is the best group of singing kids he has seen in all his congregations, an incredible statement considering five outstanding musicians in the Kraemer family had to be absent for their Chicago Christmas. We are very proud of our children and the Svea kids. The good singing is a testament to the power of expectations. Svea has consistently known that they are a good singing congregation so they all live up to that expectation. Kari, as the music leader just expects open mouthed, big singing, unashamed vocalists and that is what she gets. Now if we could just expect better performance in other areas of Stadem life. . . Kyrie Eleison.

Christmas day there will be two "Christmas in the Barn" events. The first, we will be receiving 50,000 baby turkeys at 6:00a.m. The Gorans Brothers management is going to make it a celebration and serve a waffle breakfast after the poults are 'placed'. Then at 9:30 the community is invited to our neighbors where a number some will play guitar, others will dress up in shepherd, King, Mary and Joseph costumes and in times past, we have even had a real baby in a real straw laden manger. The barn worship will be complete with goats that wander between people's legs, sheep, horses and dogs. There will be lots of singing, a message, communion, snacks and lots of fellowship in close quarters.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Done Today

Just to clarify what Sarah has done so far today:
- 1 math lesson
- made a birthday card, addressed and sent it
- babysat 2 little kids at Mom's exercise class
- washed the barn for almost an hour
- practiced her piano lesson for almost an hour
- watched 3 Magic School Bus science videos
- ate 3 meals and cleaned up after one of them
- ran the dogs 3 or 4 times
- sorted clothes, folded and put away her own, cleaned her room

So now you know what "nothing" means (see post below)! Still in the plan - reading a book about Virginia.

Gotta go practice for Praise Team. Praise the Lord!

interview with Sarah

me: so, what do you want to say?
Sarah: *sighs* *laughs*
me: what have you been up to lately?
Sarah: I haven't done anything today.
me: what did you want to do today?
Sarah: I wanted to go to the bank.
me: why did you want to do that?
Sarah: I wanted to put money in the bank.
me: oh
Sarah: *laughs*
me: what was the best thing you did this week?
Sarah: went to Iowa to see our friends....
me: oh
me: this is a really boring interview
Mom: this is a really boring blog
me: Sarah, would you like to add a last comment?
Sarah: you are weird
me: take it back
Sarah: um, okay

This is to prove the point of elder siblings domination.
Thank you and good day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The secret is out

okay, so now everyone in our family knows about the blog. This translates into more blog posts-hopefully. And now all we need are readers who are interested in what is written on this blog. Good luck on that

Thursday, October 18, 2007

the Stadems enter the 21st century

Well, we've done it. We have a blog. And that's about the most interesting thing going on right now, except for the fact that David, Joel and Daniel are at a youth convention, Michelle just passed a CLEP test, Sarah and Philip are playing "jinx", Andrew is reading, Kari is sleeping and Pete is working. And it's raining buckets. Other than that... I'm hungry, so over and out!